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Bulgaria is Again Among the Leaders in Low Debt in the EU

Bulgaria continues to rank third in the European Union (EU) with the lowest ratio of government debt to gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2018, European Statistical Office Eurostat data show.

For the period January-March the ratio of Bulgaria's government debt to GDP reached 24.1% compared to 25.4% in the last quarter of 2017. In the same period last year, the ratio was even higher - 28.2%.

Debt is also declining on a quarterly basis and on an annual basis to BGN 24.1 billion in the first quarter. This is by BGN 964 million less compared to the last three months of last year, but by BGN 2.6 billion less compared to the January-March period of 2017

The countries with the lowest debt-to-GDP ratio for the first quarter of the year continue to be Estonia (8.7%) and Luxembourg (22.2%).

Source: Bloomberg Bulgaria 

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