InvestBulgaria Agency and The Binational Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Israel signed Cooperation Agreement
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The Executive Director of InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) Stamen Yanev and Avinoam Katrieli, President of The BinationalChamber of Commerce BULGARIA ISRAEL met on 26th of January in connection with the signing of an agreement for extended cooperation. It is expected the Cooperation Agreement to become a important mechanism for stimulation and support of the business in the Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Israel, and to be the basis for the development of closer trade relations and increased bilateral investments.
It envisages active interaction between the two organizations on attracting investments and exchange of information on potential business partners (companies from Bulgaria and Israel). It also foresees the subject of cooperation to be investment projects (existing and planned), public statistical data, analyzes, results of market research and information on the state regulatory measures.
The Cooperation Agreement also provides that for the two organizations to work together to develop sustainable economy and to partner in the development of projects and programs related to public-private partnership. Mutual provision of information for business forums and exhibitions will be a further step towards the mutual attraction of investments from both countries.
IBA and the The Binational Chamber of Commerce BULGARIA ISRAEL commit to analyze periodically the results of cooperation in the framework of the signed agreement to exchange information about the outcome and to develop new proposals for improving the quality exchange of knowledge between the two organizations.