Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Met Mr. Avinoam Katrieli President of the Binational Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Israel (BCCBI). Mr. Katrieli has already held a lecture in the university but this was the first official meeting between Prof. Stattev and him. The President of BCCBI and the Rector of UNWE shared views on the economy of Bulgaria and the potentials that the country has to develop. Mr. Katrieli was eager to discuss the role of the students in the universities outside the educational institutions - for the future of Bulgaria and along the meeting a few possibilities for future cooperation were outlined. Prof. Stattev expressed his surpise and gratitude for the possibility to cooperate with BCCBI for projects that he did not expect would be of the interest of BCCBI and was glad of the profound and realistic understanding of the country that Mr. Katrieli had revealed.