This year, we expect a 5% growth in tourist in the winter season, with tourists from Greece, Romania, Serbia and Macedonia as well as the UK - the grouwth will be about 10%. This forecast was made by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova for Darik.
The tourism industry is making great efforts to improve service quality, as tourists - 50-70 percent of them - stay in 4- and 5-star hotels, Angelkova said.
According to her, we must continue to invest in tourist infrastructure. Lifts, which are "green", should continue to develop. Moreover, in her words, the balance between the various interests must be found.
She stressed that Sofia has a tremendous wealth - the proximity of Vitosha, and it should be used.
According to Minister Angelkova there is potential for the development of winter sports in Stara Planina, even for the development of a new winter resort.
Nikolina Angelova stressed that the development of tourism and in particular of winter tourism must strictly adhere to environmental legislation.